Everyone must make a
choice. God’s intentions in the Garden
of Eden were clear. His vision and
purpose for mankind were on full display.
God desires to walk with us in the cool of the day. His passion is to simply be with us, to be our
everything, to meet our every need, to fill our lives with His overflowing,
never-ending, always abounding, certainly satisfying grace! So what’s your intention? Your passion?
Your choice?
After Adam and Eve had
already experienced Paradise in the garden, they gambled it all away on a
chance. With some help from the serpent,
and his trickery and outright lies, Adam and Eve walked a road of open
rebellion against God for the risk of what they thought was a better way, their
way. So they made their choice. Hey God,
thanks, but no thanks. The serpent
cheered, Adam and Eve feared, and hid themselves from God. Wow, what a game-changer.
Adam and Eve passed up a
sure thing, Paradise, for a Pair-a-dice and a bad beat on their future. Unfortunately, despite the bad odds, we’ve
all made the same bet and gambled on ourselves.
Overcome the urge to risk your life on your own best efforts and a
chance at short term gain. Don’t gamble
your future. Bet your life on a sure
thing, and the place where winners live forever…Paradise!
To him who
overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of
Great article!