Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“Medical Christianity”

So I was having trouble with my sinuses.  The pain and discomfort was unbearable.  I was soon referred to a specialist every few months to get shots deep inside my nose cavity near my sinus passages.  I was less than thrilled as you could imagine; however, before administering the shots, the doctor numbed my nose by packing it with gauze coated with cocaine.  Knowing that as a pastor I might be concerned, the doctor simply told me; if anyone questioned my use of cocaine, just tell them, “I’m a user, not an abuser.”

In a day where everything has a “medical” solution, one might want to stop and consider what that means.  As it relates to drug use, it’s not the use of an effective drug we should question, but whether it’s the right drug.  If marijuana has a medical benefit, by all means, put it in the doctor’s bag for possible and appropriate use.  What we should question, however, is whether such drugs are being used effectively or simply being abused.

As a Christian, I wish I could just take a pill that would make me the perfect follower of Jesus.  A medical solution to my constant struggle with sin would be great.  Pop a pill and the pain and discomfort of my bad choices would be gone.  How perfect!  I’m the proud owner of a “Medical Christianity Card.”  

Thank God for medication, like cocaine, that can numb your body, and when used, not abused, contributes to the quality of our lives.  If marijuana has medical rewards, let’s use it, but be careful not abuse it.  Recreational use of drugs is harmful to you and everyone around you. 

If you need a drug to deal with real physical pain, a medical doctor can prescribe a solution, but if your pain is coming from a deeper place of emotional hurt or distress, masking it with a pain killer, recreational drug use or a trip to the bar downtown, is only a temporary fix.  What you need is the Great Physician.  He can heal every pain, physical and spiritual, emotional and mental.  The best drug in the world today is Jesus Christ!  Before the pain and discomfort of everyday life becomes unbearable, let me refer you to Dr. Jesus.  He’s the specialist you need!

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 

Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

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